

1535 人下载过| 备份| 1.54MB
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是不是觉得 Android 平台上用来备份资料的软件不多呢?今天这款\"我的备份\"不仅可以将你的资料如应用程序、联系人、通话记录、书签、短信\\彩信、系统设置、桌面快捷方式等备 份到 SD卡上或者安全服务器,而且还可以自动定期备份资料,不需要用户天天进行操作!相信这样一款软件,每个人都很需要吧!

The easiest backup for Android
Supporting the most content and the most devices

This is a limited 30 days trial MyBackup Pro.

MyBackup Pro is the easiest backup for Android. Supporting the most content, and the most Android devices.

MyBackup and MyBackup Pro will work on all Android mobile devices, regardless if they have root access or not.

Backup (with schedule option) to our online secure servers, or SD card, your Applications, Photos, Contacts, Call log, Browser Bookmarks, SMS (text messages), MMS, Calendar, System Settings, Home Screens (including shortcut positions), Alarms, Dictionary, Music Playlists, and more...

IN BETA: Trigger a backup to begin on your phone (Android 2.2+ only) from anywhere in the world by logging into the Web Viewer from our website www.rerware.com

View your data and application backups online, by logging into the Web Viewer atwww.RerWare.com

Users who have a rooted phone: You can backup apk+data as well as market links!

NOTE: Data/setting of applications can only be supported if you have a rooted phone, or if the application integrates with us.

NOTE: Trial will work on one device. Backup can be restored to the same device, to go across another device (data migration), you will need MyBackup Pro.

MyBackup Pro now comes with all MyToolbox features for Free.
This application will allow Root users to multi-select applications and perform the following functions with 0-click batch operations!

- Freeze bloatware, system apps
- UnFreeze frozen applications
- Wipe Cache of applications
- Wipe Data of applications
- Uninstall applications
- Break the Android Market Link to Apps
- Link Apps to the Android Market
- Force Close applications



